About Dalton

Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center contains 33,456 square feet of modern research space.

Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center is making great strides toward understanding the causes of many diseases, including hypertension, cancer, cystic fibrosis and heart disease. With this understanding comes the development of new and improved therapies - the ultimate goal of our researchers. Dalton investigators have earned excellent local, national and international reputations based on their publications, successful acquisition of national grants and presentations at scientific meetings. Dalton partners with many units across the campus. Investigators hold primary academic appointments in one of several colleges such as the School of Medicine, the College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Engineering, and the College of Arts and Science. The facility houses molecular biologists, cell biologists, biochemists, biological engineers, electrophysiologists and integrative physiologists. Collaboration between scientists within the center and across campus is one of the greatest strengths of Dalton's efforts. Dalton scientists enjoy access to graduate programs, teaching and training opportunities. In turn, academic units gain access to research facilities, resources and laboratory space that would otherwise be unavailable, adding to MU's recruitment and retention efforts. Areas of study such as microcirculation, neural control of circulation, membrane transport and exercise biology focus scientists' expertise on common problems. It is rare to find such a concentration of diverse disciplines within the same building, and at Dalton this critical mass of collaborating scientists leads to rapid advances and discoveries of biological mechanisms related to human health and disease.