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Core Research Facilities

Small Animal Phenotyping

We provide for the in vivo study of cardiovascular function, metabolism, drug distribution and aspects of behavior and learning. Our resources are available to researchers within the University of Missouri, collaborating institutions and industry partnerships on a fee-for-service basis.

Available resources: Visualsonics VEVO Ultrasound and LAZR system, Moor Laser Speckle Imager, IVIS Lumina Bioluminescence imaging system, DSI Telemtry System, Sable Instruments PrometION Metabolic cage system, Stoelting ANY-maze Video tracking solution, Isoflurane anesthesia delivery systems and small animal survival surgery facilities.

For more detailed information, please see the Official Phenotyping Core webpage

Cell culture

Researchers at Dalton commonly use cardiac muscle, cardiac fibroblast, vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells. The core provides consultation on methods for dispersing cells from in-tact tissues for short-term use as suspensions or single cells, and for long-term maintenance of cells in culture. Investigators have direct access to the cell culture laboratory, and the core staff provides instruction in specific cell culture methods.

For more information, please contact Dr. Zhe Sun (


The imaging core is equipped with an Olympus inverted microscope with fluorescence capabilities, a Photometrics digital camera, Dage video camera, dissecting scope and light boxes. Histology, immunofluorescence, autoradiography, dynamic imaging of cellular processes and documentation of gels are all performed in this facility. Investigators have direct access to the imaging core facility, and instruction in the use of equipment and software is available.

For more information, please contact the appropriate coordinator below: