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Mission Statement

Statement of Partnership

The Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center seeks to achieve international recognition as a center of excellence in cardiovascular research. In seeking excellence, we acknowledge our partnership with the School of Medicine and Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Engineering. The Center does not consider itself an entity distinct from its partner academic departments. Rather, the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center is an extension of those departments where interdisciplinary collaboration is emphasized. We share equally with our partners in the success of research conducted at the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center.

Operating Guidelines

The Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center offers a wide variety of excellent facilities to promote and accomplish research in the cardiovascular sciences. In our partnership with other units, we invoke the doctrine of fairness related to use of facilities, recognition and shared credit and in establishing guidelines for becoming and remaining a Dalton investigator.

Dalton Investigatorship

A Dalton investigator will be someone who has been allocated space or maintains active collaborations with investigators who are assigned space at the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center. All Dalton investigators are expected to do high quality research and to seek funding from national sources as principal investigators. The appointment as a Dalton investigator is for a renewable three-year period. The Director will meet annually with each Dalton investigator to review overall contributions based on research productivity as judged by publication in peer-reviewed journals, presentations at national and international meetings, and competitive research funding.


In striving for excellence in research and teaching, Dalton aims to attract, as well as, retain employeesand students of the highest caliber. In doing so, appointments are made to actively encourage diversity and to avoid discrimination relative to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability or status as a qualified protected veteran per policy of the University of Missouri.