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Gerald A. Meininger, PhD

This investigator is marked as no longer working for Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center or the University of Missouri. Please contact the investigator directly, however, we cannot guarantee a response or if their last known Email is still active. If you think this is in error please contact mu-dcrc-it

Research Interests

Research in this laboratory is focused on vascular physiology and cell biology with an emphasis the microvasculature

Research Description

Research interests Meininger's laboratory have been focused on vascular physiology and cell biology with an emphasis the microvasculature. Currently active areas of research include:

  1. Cell adhesion, extracellular matrix and cell signaling in the vascular wall;
  2. Mechanotransduction in vascular cells;
  3. Regulation of vascular and cardiac responses to tissue injury by extracellular matrix derived signals;
  4. Cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for mechanotransduction;
  5. Mechanisms of vascular remodeling:
  6. Mechanisms responsible for the myogenic properties of vascular smooth muscle;
  7. Application of fluorescence microscopy and 3D-image analysis for studies of microvascular cell biology and the cyto-architecture and function of the microvessel wall; and
  8. Mechanisms of blood flow autoregulation.

Laboratory models include study of the intact microcirculation, study of isolated arterioles, freshly dispersed or cultured vascular smooth muscle cells, endothelial cells and cardiac muscle cells. Examples of technical approaches include pharmacology of the intact microvasculature and isolated microvessels; ability to manipulate pressure and flow in isolated microvessels; vessel culture and transfection; immuno-cytochemistry of the microvessel wall and isolated cells; three-dimensional fluorescence imaging using confocal, multiphoton or wide field microscopy in combination with deconvolution; atomic force microscopy combined with fluorescence microscopy (TIRF and FRET); and software development for high through-put analysis and display of atomic force microscopy force data.

An emphasis over the last several years has been to understand the role of the extracellular matrix, adhesion molecules and the cytoskeleton in regulation of vascular and cardiac cells; especially in the control of contractile function. A fundamental aim of this work has been to determine to what extent this matrix-adhesion-cytoskeletal axis may be involved in mechanotransduction phenomena that underlie the vascular myogenic response, flow-dependent responses of the endothelium and vascular remodeling. Advances in hybridizing atomic force microscopy with fluorescence microscopy are permitting higher throughput evaluation of cell surface receptors and their interactions with specific ligands.

Professional Background

  • Obtained BS in biology, Central Michigan University.
  • Obtained MS in environmental physiology, Central Michigan University.
  • Obtained PhD in physiology, University of Missouri–Columbia.
  • Completed postdoctoral training, Texas A&M University Health Science Center
  • Academic Career from Assistant to Full Professor, Texas A&M University Health Sceince Center
  • Served as Regents Professor, associate department head, Department of Medical Physiology and director, Division of Vascular Biology, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Texas A&M University Health Science Center.
  • Joined University of Missouri-Columbia in 2005 as Director of Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center.
  • Received Established Investigator Award from the American Heart Association (AHA), 1988.
American Heart Association, National
  • Co-Chair, Cardiovascular Regulation Review Committee II, American Heart Association - National, 2000-2001.
  • Member, Cardiovascular Regulation Review Committee II, American Heart Association - National, 1996-2001.
  • Member, Cardiovascular Regulation Review Committee I, American Heart Association - National, 2001-2004.
  • Member, Vascular Wall Biology 2 Review Committee, American Heart Association - National, April and October, 2004-2005.
  • Co-Chair, Vascular Wall Biology 2 Review Committee, American Heart Association - National, April and October, 2006.
  • Chair, Vascular Wall Biology 2 Review Committee, American Heart Association - National, April and October, 2007, 2008.
American Heart Association, Western Review Consortium
  • Chair for Study Group A of the Central Research Review Committee for the American Heart Association, Texas Affiliate, November 1993-1994.
  • Vice Chair for Study Group A of the Central Research Review Committee for the American Heart Association, Texas Affiliate, November 1991-1993.
  • Member Research Allocations and Advisory Committee for the American Heart Association, Texas Affiliate, 1991-1995
  • Member Central Research Review Committee for the American Heart Association, Texas Affiliate, 1989-1995.
National Institutes of Health
  • Grant reviewer for Research Resource Center Grant (P41) Special emphasis panel/scientific review group for the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), National Institutes of Health, December 2009.
  • Grant reviewer for NHLBI Proteomic Centers for heart, lung and blood diseases. National Institutes of Health, September 2009.
  • Grant reviewer for Research Resource Center Grant (P41) Site visit review team for the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), National Institutes of Health, March 2009.
  • Grant reviewer for Shared Instrumentation Program (S10) Study Section panel of the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), National Institutes of Health, October 2008.
  • Grant reviewer (ad hoc) for Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems (MABS) Study Section at the Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health, January 2008.
  • Member of Special Emphasis Panel for review of R13 Conference Grant Applications, Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health, March 2007.
  • Member of Shared Instrumentation Microscopy (S10) Study Section panel, Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health, September 2004-2006.
  • Member of Reparative Medicine -Tissue Engineering (MOSS G 01) Study Section panel, Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health, July 2004-2006.
  • Temporary member of Reparative Medicine -Tissue Engineering Study Section (SSS-M), Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health, June 2003.
  • Temporary member of Experimental Cardiovascular Sciences Study Section, Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health, March 1996-2004.
  • Program Project Grant review team for National Institutes of Health, Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Cardiovascular and Renal Study Section, May 1992; April 1998; December 2000; October 2005; April 2006.
  • Grant reviewer (ad hoc) for National Institutes of Health, Experimental Cardiovascular Sciences Study Section, June 1993.
  • Grant reviewer (ad hoc) for National Institutes of Health, Metabolism Study Section, February 1993.
National Science Foundation
  • Grant reviewer (ad hoc) for the National Science Foundation, Washington D.C., Physiological Processes Program, 1991, 1998.
Veterans Administration
  • Proposal review of Merit Award for Research and Development Committee of Miami VA Medical Center, May 1992.
  • Grant reviewer (ad hoc) for NASA's Biomedical Research Program through the American Institute of Biological Sciences, October 1988.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
  • Grant reviewer for United Kingdom, BBSRC's Technology Development Initiative Committee, March 2006.
Canada Foundation for Innovation
  • Grant review for Innovation fund of Canada Foundation for Innovation, July 2001.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
  • Grant reviewer (ad hoc) for CIHR, July 2008.
Thomas F. & Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust
  • Grant reviewer for a Jeffress Research Grant through the Thomas F. & Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust, administered by Sovran Bank, N. A., Virginia Academy of Science, and the Medical Society of Virginia, March 1989; September 1994.
Croucher Foundation
  • Proposal reviewer for a Croucher Foundation Award, February 2008.
American Heart Association
  • Abstract Reviewer and Grader, 1994-95, 1998-99, 2001-04.
  • Member American Heart Association Steering Committee, Unified Peer Review Panel representing the Midwest Programs, July 2009-June 2011.
American Physiological Society
  • APS: Conference Committee, Chair, 2011-2013.
  • APS: SAC/Nominating Committee: CVS Representative, 2003-2004; 2007-2010.
  • APS: Strategic Planning Meeting, December 2005.
  • APS: Committee on Committees: Member, 2001-2003.
  • APS: AJP (Heart Circulatory Physiology) Associate Editor 1993-1999; 2007-2010.
Section Activity
  • Cardiovascular Section: Past Chair: 2010-2013.
  • Cardiovascular Section: Chair: 2007-2010.
  • Cardiovascular Section: Secretary/Treasurer, 2003-2006; 2006-2007 (elected Chair 2007).
  • Cardiovascular Section: Liaison Committee: Ad Hoc Member, 2004-2007.
  • Cardiovascular Section: Program Committee, 1999 to 2000.
  • Cardiovascular Section: Steering Committee: Member, 1999 to 2013.
  • Cardiovascular Section: Nominating Committee: Member, 1998-1999; Chair, 1999-2001.
  • Cardiovascular Section: Banquet Committee: Chair, 2010-2013.
European Society for Microcirculation
  • Ad hoc Publication Award Committee, 2000 – 2005.
International Union of Physiological Sciences
  • Commission II – Circulation/Respiration; Section: Microcirculation; Member 2002-2009; Chair, 2010-2015.
  • Member, US National Committee to the International Union of Physiological Sciences, 2006-present.
  • Chair, Microcirculation Section of the IUPS Commission II (Circulation/Respiration), 2007-2009.
Microcirculatory Society
  • Past-President, 1996-1997.
  • President, 1995-1996.
  • President-Elect, 1994-1995.
  • Long Range Planning Committee: Chairman, 1996-1997, Member 1997-2007.
  • Liaison Committee: Chairman, 1995-1996. Member, 2006-2009, 2010-2013.
  • Development Committee: Member, 1989-1991; Chairman, 1991-1994
  • Executive Council: Member, 1990-1993.
  • Nominating Committee: Member, 1986-1987; Chairman, 1987-1989.Invited external examiner and graduate student committee member for Dr. John Imig student of Professor Gary Anderson, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, School of Medicine, University of Louisville, KY, 1988-1990.
  • Invited external examiner and graduate student committee member for Dr. Pei-Pei Ping student of Professor Paul Johnson, Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, 1990.
  • Invited external examiner and graduate student committee member for Yanlin Wang, Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Division, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, 1997-1999.
  • External Review Team Member for Academic Program Review of the Physiological Sciences Graduate Interdisciplinary Program at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, January 30-31, 2003.
  • External examiner for Ph.D. candidate Nathalie Gaudreault, Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of British Columbia, 2004.
  • External evaluator of candidates for Associate Professor for Physiology of Microcirculation for Search Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Ludwig Maximilians Universitat, Muenchen, Germany, 2005.
  • Chair, Internal Advisory Committee, for NIH PPG, PI. Harold Laughlin and Doug Bowles, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 2010.
  • Invited external examiner and graduate student committee member for Calvin Chu student of Professor Vincent Moy, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Miami, FL, 2010-present.Editor-in-Chief for Frontiers in Vascular Physiology, January 2010-present.
  • Co-Editor (US) for Journal of Vascular Research, August 1999-Present.
  • Consulting Editor for American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, May 2007-January 2010.
  • Associate Editor for American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, January 1993-January 1999.
  • Editorial Board Member for Frontiers in Cardiovascular and Smooth Muscle Pharmacology, 2010-present.
  • Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology, 2010-present.
  • Editorial Board Member for Nanotechnology, Science and Applications, 2007-present.
  • Editorial Board Member for Microcirculation, 1993-1999; 2003-2009; 2010-2015.
  • Editorial board member for Journal of Vascular Research, 1998-1999.
  • Editorial Board Member for Microvascular Research, 1992-1999.
  • Editorial Board Member for Hypertension, 1990-1994.
  • Editorial Board Member for American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circ. Physiol., 1986-1993.
  • Editorial Board Member for Microcirculation, Endothelium and Lymphatics, 1988-1992.
  • American Journal of Physiology: (Heart and Circ. Physiology)
  • American Journal of Physiology: (Regulatory, Integ. and Comp. Physiology)
  • American Journal of Physiology: (Renal, Fluid and Elec. Physiology)
  • American Journal of Physiology: (Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology)
  • American Journal of Physiology: (Cell Physiology)
  • American Journal of Pathology
  • Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
  • Biology of Reproduction
  • British Journal of Pharmacology
  • Circulation Research
  • Diabetologia
  • European Journal of Physiology
  • European Journal of Pharmacology
  • Experimental Cell Research
  • Hypertension
  • Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
  • Journal of Cell Biology
  • Journal of Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology
  • Journal of Applied Physiology
  • Journal of Cardiovascular Research
  • Journal of Diabetes and its Complications
  • Journal of Experimental Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
  • Journal of Vascular Research
  • Life Science
  • Microvascular Research
  • Nature Methods
  • Nature Nanotechnology

Selected Publications

  • Martinez-Lemus LA, X Wu, E Wilson, MA Hill, GE Davis, MJ Davis and GA Meininger. Integrins as Unique Receptors for Vascular Control.J of Vasc Res 40:211-233, 2003.
  • Martinez-Lemus LA, SS Bolz, MA Hill, U Pohl and GA Meininger. Acute mechanoadaptation of vascular smooth muscle cells in response to continuous arteriolar vasoconstriction: Implications to functional remodeling. FASEB J 18(6):708-710, 2004.
  • Na S, Z Sun, GA Meininger and JD Humphrey. On atomic force microscopy and the constitutive behavior of living cells. Biomech and Modeling Mechanobiol 3:75-84, 2004.
  • Martinez-Lemus LA, Z Sun, A Trache, JP Trzeciakowski and Meininger GA. Integrins and Regulation of the Microcirculation: From Arterioles to Molecular Studies using Atomic Force Microscopy. Microcirculation, 12: 1-14, 2005.
  • Sarin, V., R. Gaffin, M.J. Davis, G.A. Meininger* and M. Muthuchamy. “RGD” containing peptides inhibit the force production of mouse papillary muscle bundles via α5β1 integrin. Journal of Physiology, 564.2:603-617, 2005. *{Shared senior authorship}
  • Martinez-Lemus, L.A., T. Crow, M.J. Davis and G.A. Meininger. Integrin dependence of the vascular myogenic response. American Journal of Physiology (Heart Circ. Physiol.), 289:H322-H329, 2005.
  • Partridge, C.R., E.S. Williams, R. Barhoumi, M. Tadesse, C.D. Johnson, K.P. Lu, G.A. Meininger, E. Wilson, K.S. Ramos. Novel genomic targets in oxidant-induced vascular injury. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 38:983-996, 2005.
  • Trache, A. and G.A. Meininger. An atomic force-multioptical imaging integrated microscope for monitoring molecular dynamics in live cells. Journal of Biological Optics, 2005. (In Press)
  • Trache, A., J.P. Trzeciakowski, L. Gardiner, Z. Sun, M. Muthuchamy, M. Guo, E. Wilson, S. Yuan, and G.A. Meininger. Effect of histamine on integrin a5b1 - Fibronectin interaction on endothelial cells studied using atomic force microscopy. Biophysical Journal, 89:2888-28898, 2005.
  • Sun, Z., A. Trache, L.A. Martinez-Lemus, J.P. Trzeciakowski, G.E. Davis, U. Pohl and G.A. Meininger. Regulation of Integrin-fibronectin adhesion in vascular smooth muscle cells: Studies using of atomic force microscopy. American Journal of Physiology (Heart Circ. Physiol.), 2005. (In Press)
  • Trache, A. and G.A. Meininger. An atomic force-multioptical imaging integrated microscope for monitoring molecular dynamics in live cells. Journal of Biological Optics 10(6):064023-1 – 064023-17, 2005. (This work made the cover of Biphotonics, April 2006.) PMID: 16409088
  • Chao, J.T., J.D. Neiger, G.A. Meininger and E. Wilson. Modulation of integrin-mediated adhesion and expression by Platelet-Derived Growth Factor. American Journal of Physiology (Cell Physiol.) 290:C972-980, 2006.  PMID: 16282198
  • Chowdhury MH., A. Gant, A. Trache, A. Baldwin, G.A. Meininger and G.L. Cot’e.  Use of surface enhanced raman spectroscopy (SERS) for the detection of human integrins. Journal of Biological Optics, 11(2):024004, 2006.  PMID: 16674194
  • Gaffin, R.D., K. Gokulan, J.C. Sacchettini, T.E. Hewett, R. Klevitsky, J. Robbins, V. Sarin, D.C. Zawieja, G.A. Meininger and M. Muthuchamy. Changes in the end-to-end interactions of tropomyosin affect mouse cardiac muscle dynamics. American Journal of Physiology (Heart Circ. Physiology), 291:H552-563, 2006. PMID: 16501024
  • Hawkins, D.M., A. Trache, E.A. Ellis, D. Stevenson, A. Holzenburg, G.A. Meininger, S.M. Reddy. Quantification and confocal imaging of protein specific molecularly imprinted polymers (HydroMIPs). Biomacromolecules, 7:2560-2564, 2006. PMID: 16961318
  • Na, S., G.A. Meininger and J.D. Humphrey. A theoretical model for F-actin remodeling in vascular smooth muscle cells subjected to cyclic stretch. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 246:87-99, 2007. PMID: 17240401
  • Wu X., Y. Yang, P. Gui, Y. Sohma, G.A. Meininger, G.E. Davis, A.P. Braun and M.J. Davis. Potentiation of BK Channels by a5b1 Integrin Activation in Arteriolar Smooth Muscle. Journal of Physiology, 586.6: 1699-1713, 2008. PMID: 18218680
  • Na, S., A. Trache, Z. Sun, G.A. Meininger and J.D. Humphrey. Time-dependent changes in smooth muscle cell stiffness and focal adhesion area in response to cyclic stretch. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 36:369-80, 2008. PMID: 18214679
  • Meissner, K.E., Z. Sun, B. Nathwani, C. Needham, R.E. Becknam, W. Everett, X. Fan, G.L. Cote and G.A. Meininger. Combining AFM and FRET for studies at the cellular level. Proceedings of the SPIE, 6863; 686302, 1-9, 2008.
  • Sun, Z., L.A. Martinez-Lemus, M.A. Hill and G.A. Meininger. Extracellular Matrix Specific Focal Adhesions in Vascular Smooth Muscle Produce Mechanically Active Adhesion Sites. American Journal of Physiology (Cell Physiology), 295:C268-C278, 2008. PMID: 18495809
  • Sun, Z., A. Juriani, G.A. Meininger, and K.E. Meissner. Probing Cell Surface Interactions Using AFM Cantilevers Functionalized for Quantum Dot-Enabled FRET. Journal of Biological Optics, 14:040502, 2009. Also selected for July 15, 2009 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research. PMID: 19725707
  • Martinez-Lemus L.A., M.A. Hill, G.A. Meininger. The plastic nature of the vascular wall: Reply to Lee, Sandow and deMey. Letters to the Editor. Physiology, 24:273-275, 2009. PMID: 19196651
  • Huang S., Z. Sun, Z. Li and G.A. Meininger. Modulation of microvascular smooth muscle adhesion and mechanotransduction by integrin-linked kinase. Microcirculation, 17:113-127, 2010. PMID: 20163538
  • Trache, A., J.P. Trzeciakowski, G.A. Meininger. Mg2+ modulates integrin-extracellular matrix interactions in vascular smooth muscle as studied by atomic force microscopy. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 23:316-321, 2010. PMID: 20049771
  • Wu X., Z. Sun, A. Foskett, J.P. Trzeciakowski, G.A. Meininger, M. Muthuchamy. Cardiomyocyte contractile status is associated with differences in fibronection and integrin interactions. American Journal of Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiology), 298:H2071-H2081, 2010. {Shared senior authorship} PMID: 20382852
  • Meininger, G.A. Grand challenges in vascular physiology. Frontiers in Physiology: Frontiers in Vascular Physiology, 1:18, 2010.
  • Hongyu Qiu, Yi Zhu, Dorothy E. Vatner, Meredith Gansner, Athanasios P. Peppas, Christophe Depre, Ranillo R.G. Resuello, Filipinas F. Natividad, William C. Hunter, Guy M. Genin, Elliot L. Elson, Zhe Sun, Jerome P. Trzeciakowski, Gerald A. Meininger, Stephen F. Vatner. Vascular Smooth Muscle Stiffness as a Mechanism for Increased Aortic Stiffness with Aging. Circulation Research, 107:615-619, 2010. (Shared Senior Authorship, Co-Corresponding Authors). PMID: 20634486
  • Martinez-Lemus L.A., M.A. Hill, G.A. Meininger. The plastic nature of the vascular wall: Reply to Bjorn Folkow. Letters to the Editor. Physiology, 24:266-277, 2010.
  • Ella S.R., Y. Yang, P.S. Clifford, J. Gulia, K.A. Dora, G.A. Meininger, M.J. Davis, and M.A. Hill. Development of an Image – Based System for Measurement of Membrane Potential, Intracellular Ca2+ and contraction in Arteriolar Smooth Muscle Cells. Microcirculation, 17(8):629-640, 2010. PMID: 21044217
  • Cheng, Qi, Z. Sun, G.A. Meininger, M. Almasri. Mechanical study of micromachined polydimethylsiloxane elastic microposts. Review of Scientific Instruments, 81(10):106104-1-106104-3, 2010. PMID: 21034132
  • Jackson-Hayes, T., Z. Sun, L.A. Martinez-Lemus, M.A. Hill and G.A. Meininger. N-Cadherin and Iintegrin blockade inhibit arteriolar myogenic reactivity but not pressure-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+. Frontiers in Physiology: Frontiers in Vascular Physiology, 1:1-8, 2010. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2010.00165
  • Wu, X, S. Chakraborty, C.L. Heaps, M.J. Davis, G.A. Meininger and M. Muthuchamy. Fibronectin increases the force production on mouse papillary muscles via a5b1 integrin. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 50:203-213, 2011. PMID: 20937283
  • Clark, C.G., Z. Sun, G.A. Meininger and J.T. Potts. Nicotine-induced desensitization of α7-containing nicotine acetylcholine receptors on NK1 receptor expressing medullary respiratory neurons. (Submitted to Journal of Neurophysiology), 2011.
  • Sun, Z., A. Juriani, K.E. Meissner, and G.A. Meininger. Partnering atomic force microscopy with quantum dot enabled probes for FRET to study integrin-extracellular matrix interactions. Submitted to Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2011.
  • Clifford, P.S., S. Ella, A. Stupica, Z. Nourian, L.A. Martinez-Lemus, K. Dora, Y. Yang, M.J. Davis, G.A. Meininger and M.A. Hill. Adventitial elastin fibers longitudinally constrain smooth muscle cells In small arteries of skeletal muscle but not from cerebral circulation. Submitted to Circulation Research, 2011. {Shared senior authorship, Co-Corresponding Authors}
  • Huang S., Z. Sun, Z. Li and G.A. Meininger. A role for zyxin in the vascular smooth response to mechanical force. (In preparation for Microcirculation), 2011.
  • Reeves, K.J., Z. Sun, G.A. Meininger and N.J. Brown. Selective measurement and manipulation of adhesion forces between cancer cells and bone marrow endothelial cells using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). (In preparation for Microcirculation), 2011.
  • Sun Z., S. Huang, Z. Li and G.A. Meininger. Zyxin Is involved in regulation of mechanotransduction in arteriolar smooth muscle cells. Frontiers in Physiology: Frontiers in Vascular Physiology, 3:472, 1-10, 2012. DOI 10.3389
  • Reeves, K.J., J. Hou, S. Higham, Z. Sun, J.P. Trzeciakowski, G.A. Meininger and N.J. Brown. Selective measurement and manipulation of adhesion forces between cancer cells and bone marrow endothelial cells using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Nanomedicine Journal, 8:921-934, 2013. PMID: 23199365
  •   Hong, Z., I. Ersoy, M. Sun, F. Bunyak, P. Hampel, Z. Hong, Z. Sun, Z. Li, I. Levitan, G.A. Meininger, K. Palaniappan. Influence of membrane cholesterol and substrate elasticity on endothelial cell spreading behavior. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - part A, 101:1994-2004, 2013. PMID: 23239612, PMC3612559
  • Cheng, Q., Z. Sun, G.A. Meininger and M. Almasri. PDMS elastic micropost arrays for studying vascular smooth muscle, Sensor and Actuators B: Chemical, 188:1055-1063, 2013. (Shared Senior Authorship)
  • Staiculescu, M.C., E.L. Galinanes, G. Zhao, U. Ulloa, M. Jin, I. Beig, G.A. Meininger, L.A. Martinez-Lemus. Prolonged vasoconstriction of small resistance arteries involves vascular smooth muscle actin polymerization leading to inward remodeling. Cardiovascular Research, 98:428-436, 2013. PMID: 23417038, PMC3656612
  • J.R. Tangney, J.S. Chuang, M.S. Janssen, A. Krishnamurthy, P. Liao, M.  Hoshijima, X. Wu, G.A. Meininger, M. Muthuchamy, A. Zemljic-Harpf, R.S. Ross, L. R. Frank, A.D. McCulloch, J.H. Omens. Novel role for vinculin in ventricular myocyte mechanics and heart failure. Biophysical Journal, 104:1623-1633, 2013. PMID: 23561539, PMC3617425
  • Askarova, S., Z. Sun, G.Y. Sun, G.A. Meininger and J.C.M. Lee. Oligomeric amyloid-β peptide on sialyl-LewisX-selectin mediated membrane tether mechanics at the cerebral endothelial surface. PlosOne, 8:e60972, 2013. PMID: 23593361, PMC3625223
  • Hill, M.A. and G.A. Meininger. Should we be Sympathetic to Angiotensin II Infusion? Editorial and Perspectives. Journal of Physiology, 591 (21) 5269-5270; 2013. doi:10.1113. PMID:24187078    
  • Sehgel, N.L., Y. Zhu, Z. Sun, J.P. Trzeciakowski, Z. Hong, W.C. Hunter, D.E. Vatner, G.A. Meininger, S.F. Vatner. Increased vascular smooth muscle cell stiffness: a novel mechanism for increased aortic stiffness in hypertension. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 305:H1281-H1287, 2013. (Shared Senior Authorship, Corresponding Author) DOI: 10.1152
  • Hong Z., Z. Sun, M. Li, Z. Li, F. Bunyak, I. Ersoy, J.P. Trzeciakowski, M.C. Staiculesc, L. Martinez-Lemus, M.A. Hill, K. Palaniappan, G.A. Meininger. Vasoactive agonists exert dynamic and coordinated effects on vascular smooth muscle cell elasticity, cytoskeletal remodeling and adhesion, Journal of Physiology, 2013 (In Revision).
  • Amini, S., Z. Sun, A. Juriani, G.A. Meininger and K.E. Meissner. Characterization of the evanescent field surrounding QD-embedded microspheres supporting whispering gallery modes, (Submitted to Optics Letters), 2013 {Shared senior authorship, Co-Corresponding Authors}
  • Hill, M.A., S.R. Ella, A. Stupica, P. Bagher, Z. Nourian, M. Collins, C.J. Garland, P.E. Clifford, L. Martinez-Lemus, K.A. Dora and G.A. Meininger. Image-based Approaches for Probing the Complex Structural and Functional Arrangement of the Arteriolar Wall. Submitted to Methods 2013.
  • Staiculescu M.C., F.I. Ramirez-Perez, J.A. Castorena-Gonzalez, Z. Hong, Z. Sun, G.A. Meininger and L.A. Martinez-Lemus. Lysophosphatidic acid induces integrin activation in vascular smooth muscle cells and alters myogenic vasoconstriction. Journal of Vascular Research, 2013. (In preparation)
  • Sun Z., S. Huang, Z. Li and G.A. Meininger. A mechanotransducing role for N-cadherin in vascular smooth muscle. Journal of Physiology, 2013. (In preparation)
  • Sehgel NL, Zhu Y, Sun Z, Trzeciakowski JP, Hong Z, Hunter WC, Vatner DE, Meininger GA, Vatner SF. Increased vascular smooth muscle cell stiffness: a novel mechanism for aortic stiffness in hypertension. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2013 Nov;305(9):H1281-7. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00232.2013. Epub 2013 May 24. PMID: 23709594
  • Askarova S, Sun Z, Sun GY, Meininger GA, Lee JC. Amyloid-β peptide on sialyl-Lewis(X)-selectin-mediated membrane tether mechanics at the cerebral endothelial cell surface. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 12;8(4):e60972. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060972. Print 2013. PMID: 23593361 PMCID:PMC3625223
  • Aroor AR, Demarco VG, Jia G, Sun Z, Nistala R, Meininger GA, Sowers JR. The Role of Tissue Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in the Development of Endothelial Dysfunction and Arterial Stiffness.Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2013 Oct 29;4:161 PMID:24194732 PMCID:PMC3810594
  • Hong Z., Z. Sun, M. Li, Z. Li, F. Bunyak, I. Ersoy, J.P. Trzeciakowski, M.C. Staiculesc, L. Martinez-Lemus, M.A. Hill, K. Palaniappan, G.A. Meininger. Vasoactive agonists exert dynamic and coordinated effects on vascular smooth muscle cell elasticity, cytoskeletal remodeling and
    adhesion. Journal of Physiology (London), 15:592(Pt 6):1249-66, 2014. PMID: 24445320, Featured by Journal commentary with by Dr. Herman. Schillers also featured on journal cover.
  • Amini, S., Z. Sun, A. Juriani, G.A. Meininger and K.E. Meissner. Characterization of the evanescent field surrounding QD-embedded microspheres supporting whispering gallery modes,The European Physical Journal: Special Topics, 223:2023-2033, 2014 {Shared senior authorship, Co-Corresponding Authors}  
  • Meininger, GA. The central importance of the cytoskeleton for increased cell stiffness in cardiovascular disease. Editorial Focus. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 2014. PMID: 25122875 (In press)
  • Staiculescu M.C., F.I. Ramirez-Perez, J.A. Castorena-Gonzalez, Z. Hong, Z. Sun, G.A. Meininger and L.A. Martinez-Lemus. Lysophosphatidic acid induces integrin activation in vascular smooth muscle cells and alters myogenic vasoconstriction. Frontiers in Vascular Physiology, 2014. (In press)
  • Sehgel N.L., Z. Sun, Z.Hong, W.C. Hunter, M.A. Hill, D.E. Vatner, S.F. Vatner, G.A. Meininger. Augmented Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Stiffness and Adhesion when Hypertension is Superimposed on Aging. Hypertension, 65:xx-xx, 2015. (Shared Senior Authorship and Corresponding Author) DOI: 10.1161, PMID: xxx, PMCID: xxx. (Epub
  • Sun Z., S. Huang, Z. Li and G.A. Meininger. A mechanotransducing role for N-cadherin in vascular smooth muscle. Journal of Physiology, 2014. (In revision)
  • Hill, M.A., S.R. Ella, A. Stupica, P. Bagher, Z. Nourian, M. Collins, C.J. Garland, P.E. Clifford, L. Martinez-Lemus, K.A. Dora and G.A. Meininger. Image-based Approaches for Probing the Complex Structural and Functional Arrangement of the Arteriolar Wall. Methods, 2014. (Submitted)
  • Z. Hong, K.J. Reeves, Z. Sun, Z. Li, N.J. Brown, G.A. Meininger. Vascular smooth muscle cell stiffness and adhesion to collagen I modified by vasoactive agonists. 2014 (Submitted to PLOS ONE)
  • Z. Hong, J.P. Trzeciakowski, M. Jin, Z. Li, Z. Sun, N.L. Sehgel, S.F. Vatner, G.A. Meininger. A method to analyze the spontaneous oscillations in cell stiffness and adhesion measured using AFM. Nanomedicine, 2014. (In Preparation)
  • Guanghong Jia, Javad Habibi, Vincent G. DeMarco, Luis A. Martinez-Lemus, Lixin Ma, Adam T.Whaley-Connell, Gerald A. Meininger, Katelee Barrett Mueller, Iris Z. Jaffe and James R. Sowers.Endothelial mineralocorticoid receptor signaling contributions to cardiac diastolic dysfunction in females, 2014. (Submitted to Circulation)
  • Z. Sun, M. Li, Zhaohui Li, M.A. Hill, G.A. Meininger. N-cadherin a novel pressure sensitive mechano-sensor in the small cerebral arteries. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2014. (In Preparation)
  • Vida Hodara, V. Saroja Voruganti, Qinghe Meng, Anthony G. Comuzzie, Robert Baker, Karen Rice, Zhongkui Hong, Gerald A. Meininger, John L. VandeBerg, Qiang Shi. Mononuclear Cell Activation Elicited by Diets High in Simple Carbohydrates in Conjunction with Saturated Versus Unsaturated Fat in Baboons. 2014 (In Preparation)