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Min Li, PhD

This investigator is marked as no longer working for Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center or the University of Missouri. Please contact the investigator directly, however, we cannot guarantee a response or if their last known Email is still active. If you think this is in error please contact mu-dcrc-it

Research Interests

Vascular smooth muscle cell elasticity.

Professional Background

2002-present Research assistant professor Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO
2001-2002 Research fellow Weill Medical College, Cornell University, New York, NY
1997-2001 Research assistant professor Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO
1994-1997 Postdoctoral fellow University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO
1992-1994 Postdoctoral fellow Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
1986-1992 Graduate student and research assistant University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Selected Publications

Hong Z, Sun Z, Li M, Li Z, Bunyak F, Ersoy I, Trzeciakowski JP, Staiculescu MC, Jin M, Martinez-Lemus L, Hill MA, Palaniappan K, Meininger GA. (2014) Vasoactive agonists exert dynamic and coordinated effects on vascular smooth muscle cell elasticity, cytoskeletal remodelling and adhesion. J Physiol. 592(Pt 6):1249-66.

Nourian Z, Li M, Leo MD, Jaggar JH, Braun AP, Hill MA. (2014) Large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BKCa) α-subunit splice variants in resistance arteriesfrom rat cerebral and skeletal muscle vasculature. PLoS One. 9(6):e98863.

Yang Y, Sohma Y, Nourian Z, Ella SR, Li M, Stupica A, Korthuis RJ, Davis MJ, Braun AP, Hill MA. (2013) Mechanisms underlying regional differences in the Ca2+ sensitivity of BK(Ca) current in arteriolar smooth muscle. J Physiol. 591(Pt 5):1277-93.

Clifford PS, Ella SR, Stupica AJ, Nourian Z, Li M, Martinez-Lemus LA, Dora KA, Yang Y, Davis MJ, Pohl U, Meininger GA, Hill MA. (2011) Spatial distribution and mechanical function of elastin in resistance arteries: a role in bearing longitudinal stress. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 31(12):2889-96.

Jih KY, Sohma Y, Li M, Hwang TC. (2012) Identification of a novel post-hydrolytic state in CFTR gating. J Gen Physiol. 139(5):359-70.

Bai Y, Li M, Hwang TC. (2011) Structural basis for the channel function of a degraded ABC transporter, CFTR (ABCC7). J Gen Physiol. 138(5):495-507.

Jih KY, Li M, Hwang TC, Bompadre SG. (2011) The most common cystic fibrosis-associated mutation destabilizes the dimeric state of the nucleotide-binding domains of CFTR. J Physiol. 589(Pt 11):2719-31.

Kopeikin Z, Sohma Y, Li M, Hwang TC. (2010) On the mechanism of CFTR inhibition by a thiazolidinone derivative. J Gen Physiol. 136(6):659-71.

Tsai MF, Jih KY, Shimizu H, Li M, Hwang TC. (2010) Optimization of the degenerated interfacial ATP binding site improves the function of disease-related mutant cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channels. J Biol Chem. 285(48):37663-71.

Bai Y, Li M, Hwang TC. (2010) Dual roles of the sixth transmembrane segment of the CFTR chloride channel in gating and permeation. J Gen Physiol. 136(3):293-309.