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M. Harold Laughlin, PhD

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Research Interests

Cardiorespiratory effects of exercise

Research Description

The primary goal is understanding the effects on exercise training on the coronary circulation and skeletal muscle vascular beds. Exercise training produces increases in the capacity of myocardial and skeletal muscle vascular beds to transport oxygen and other nutrients.

The training-induced changes in vascular transport capacity are associated with growth of new capillaries, enlargement of arteries and veins, and alterations in factors that control blood flow in the heart and skeletal muscle. The lab is currently investigating the mechanisms responsible for these changes.

Studies are conducted with: isolated hearts, isolated muscle tissue, single blood vessels and in conscious, chronically instrumented animals during exercise. To allow examination of the relationship among vascular adaptations and the response of the myocytes to training-induced increases in the functional demands of the muscles, the effects of training on biochemical and histological characteristics of the muscles are also measured.

Laughlin's research supported by the PPG evaluates the role of exercise training-induced changes in endothelial phenotype in the protective effects of exercise on atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.

Professional Background

  • Obtained PhD, University of Iowa.
  • Obtained BA, Simpson College.

Selected Publications

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Laughlin MH, Fadel PJ. Blood pressure regulation VIII: resistance vessel tone and implications for a proatherogenic conduit artery endothelial cell pyhenotype. Eur J Appl Physiol 2013; in press. PMID:23860841

Fain JN, Company JM, Booth FW, Laughlin MH, Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Bahouth SW, Sacks HS. Exercise training does not increase muscle FNDC5 protein or mRNA expression in pigs. Metabolism 2013; in press. PMID:23831442

Bahls M, Bidwell CA, Hu J, Tellez A, Kaluza GL, Granada JF, Krueger CG, Reed JD, Laughlin MH, Van Alstine WG, Newcomer SC. Gene expression differences during the heterogeneous progression of peripheral atherosclerosis in familial hypercholesterolemic swine. BMC Genomics. 2013 Jul 3;14:443. PMID:23822099; PMCID:PMC 3716534.

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Lee S, Zhang H, Zuidema MY, Zhang C, Hill MA, Perfield JW 2nd, Ibdah JA, Booth FW, Davis JW, Laughlin MH, Rector RS. Vascular transcriptional alterations produced by juvenile obesity in Ossabaw swine. Physiol Genomics 2013; Jun 3;45(11)434-446. PMID: 23592636.

Simmons GH, Padilla J, Jenkins NT, and Laughlin MH. Exercise training and vascular cell phenotype in a swine model of familial hypercholesterolaemia: conduit arteries and veins. Exp Physiol. In press, 2013. PMID: 22542613 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Sheldon RD, Roseguini BT, Laughlin MH, and SC Newcomer. New insights into the physiologic basis for intermittent pneumatic limb compression as a therapeutic strategy for peripheral artery disease. J. Vasc Surg 58:1688-1696, 2013. PMID

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Vierira-Potter J, Laughlin MH. Divergent Phenotype of Rat Thoracic and Abdominal Perivascular Adipose Tissues. Am J Physiol-Reg.2013; in press. PMID:23389108

Linden MA, GM Meers, ML Ruebel, NT Jenkins, FW Booth, MH Laughlin, JA Ibdah, JP Thyfault, and RS Rector. Hepatic Steatosis Development with Four Weeks of Physical Inactivity in Previously Active, Hyperphagic OLETF Rats. Am J Physiol-Reg.2013; in press. PMID: 23467323

Mikus CR, Boyle LJ, Borengasser SJ, Oberlin DJ, Nables SP, Fletcher J, Meers GM, RUebel M, Laughlin MH, Fadel JP, Thyfault JP. Simvastatin impairs exercise training adaptations. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013 Aug 20;62(8):709-714.. PMID:23583255

Roberts MD, Bayless DS, Company JM, Jenkins NT, Padilla J, Childs TE, Martin JS, Dalbo VJ, Booth FW, Rector RS, Laughlin MH. Elevated skeletal muscle irisin precursor FNDC5 mRNA in obese OLETF rats. Metabolish 2013. PMID: 23498898

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Lee S, Zhang H, Cui J, Zuidema MY, Zhang C, Hill MA, Perfield JW 2nd, Ibdah JA, Booth FW, Davis JW, Laughlin MH Rector RS. Vascular transcriptional alterations produced by juvenile obesity in Ossabaw swine. Physiol Genomics. 2013; in press. PMID: 23592636

Arce-Esquivel AA, Bunker AK, Mikus CR, and Laughlin MH. Insulin Resistance and Endothelial Dysfunction: Macro and Microganiopathy. Type 2 Diabetes. Ed by Kazuko Masuo, ISBN 978-953-51-1171-9, InTech June 26, 2013.

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Laughlin MH, and Fadel PJ. Blood Pressure regulation VIII: resistance vessel tone and implications for a pro-atherogenic conduit artery endothelial cell phenotype. Eur J Appl Physiol online June 2013.

Bahls M, Sheldon RD, Taheripous P, Clifford KA, Foust KB, Breslin ED, Marchant-Forde JN, Cabot RA, Laughlin, MH, Bidwell CA, and Newcomer SC. Mothers’ exercise during pregnancy programs vasomotor function in adult offspring Exp Physiol. In press 2013. PMID:

Jenkins NT, Padilla J, Martin JS, Crissey JM, Rector S, Laughlin MH. Differential vasomotor effects of insulin on gastrocnemius and soleus feed arteries in the OLETF rat model; Role of endothelin-1. Exp Physiol. 2013; in press. PMID: 23995100

Crissey JM, Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Martin JS, Rector RS, Thyfault JP, Laughlin MH. Metformin does not enhance insulin-stimulated vasodilaiton in skeletal muscle resistance arteries of the OLETF rat. Microcirculation. 2013; in press. PMID:23879830

Jenkins NT, Padilla J, Rector RS, Laughlin MH. Influence of regular physical activity and caloric restriction on ß-adrenergic and natriuretic peptide receptor expression in retroperitoneal adipose tissue of OLETF rats. Exp Physiol. 2013; in press. PMID:23833052

Whyte J, Laughlin MH., Placentation in the pig visualized by eGFP fluorescence in eNOS over-expressing cloned transgenic swine., Mol Reprod Dev. 2010 Jul;77(7):565. No abstract available. PMID: 20578058

Mikus CR, Rector RS, Arce-Esquivel AA, Libla JL, Booth FW, Ibdah JA, Laughlin MH, Thyfault JP.,Daily physical activity enhances reactivity to insulin in skeletal muscle arterioles of hyperphagic Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty rats. , J Appl Physiol. 2010 Oct;109(4):1203-10. Epub 2010 Jul 15.PMID: 20634354

Roseguini BT, Sheldon R, Stroup A, Bell JW, Maurer D, Crist BD, Laughlin MH, Newcomer SC., Impact of chronic intermittent external compressions on forearm blood flow capacity in humans., Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Mar;111(3):509-19. Epub 2010 Oct 2.PMID: 20890711

Company JM, Booth FW, Laughlin MH, Arce-Esquivel AA, Sacks HS, Bahouth SW, Fain JN., Epicardial fat gene expression after aerobic exercise training in pigs with coronary atherosclerosis: relationship to visceral and subcutaneous fat., J Appl Physiol. 2010 Dec;109(6):1904-12. Epub 2010 Oct 14.PMID: 20947714

Padilla J, Simmons GH, Newcomer SC, Laughlin MH., Relationship between brachial and femoral artery endothelial vasomotor function/phenotype in pigs., Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2010 Nov;235(11):1287-91. Epub 2010 Sep 17.PMID: 20975078

Simmons GH, Padilla J, Young CN, Wong BJ, Lang JA, Davis MJ, Laughlin MH, Fadel PJ., Increased brachial artery retrograde shear rate at exercise onset is abolished during prolonged cycling: role of thermoregulatory vasodilation., J Appl Physiol. 2011 Feb;110(2):389-97. Epub 2010 Nov 18.PMID: 21088203

Whyte JJ, Samuel M, Mahan E, Padilla J, Simmons GH, Arce-Esquivel AA, Bender SB, Whitworth KM, Hao YH, Murphy CN, Walters EM, Prather RS, Laughlin MH., Vascular endothelium-specific overexpression of human catalase in cloned pigs., Transgenic Res. 2010 Dec 18. [Epub ahead of print]PMID:21170678

Padilla J, Simmons GH, Fadel PJ, Laughlin MH, Joyner MJ, Casey DP., Impact of aging on conduit artery retrograde and oscillatory shear at rest and during exercise: role of nitric oxide., Hypertension. 2011 Mar;57(3):484-9. Epub 2011 Jan 24.PMID: 21263118

Whyte JJ, Zhao J, Wells KD, Samuel MS, Whitworth KM, Walters EM, Laughlin MH, Prather RS., Gene targeting with zinc finger nucleases to produce cloned eGFP knockout pigs., Mol Reprod Dev. 2011 Jan;78(1):2. doi: 10.1002/mrd.21271. No abstract available. PMID:21268178

Rector RS, Uptergrove GM, Morris EM, Borengasser SJ, Laughlin MH, Booth FW, Thyfault JP, Ibdah JA., Daily exercise vs. caloric restriction for prevention of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the OLETF rat model.

Simmons, Grant. H., Jauma Padilla, Colin N. Young, James A. Lang, Michael J. Davis, M. Harold Laughlin, Paul J. Fadel.  Increased brachial artery retrograde shear rate at exercise onset is abolished during prolonged cycling: role of thermoregulatory vasodilation.  J. Applied Physiol. 110(2):389-97, 2011 PMID: 21088203

Laughlin MH, MJ Davis, NH Secher, JJ van Lieshout, AA Arce-Esquivel, GH Simmons, SB Bender, J Padilla, RJ Bache, D Merkus, and DJ Duncker. Peripheral Circulation. Comprehensive Physiology. Published for APS by Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

Padilla J, Simmons GH, Bender SB, Arce-Esquivel AA, Whyte JJ, Laughlin MHVascular Effects of exercise: Endothelial adaptations beyond active muscle beds.  Physiology. 26(3):132-145, 2011.PMCID = PMC3286126

Padilla J, Simmons GH, Davis J W, Whyte JJ, Zderic TW, Hamilton MT, Bowles DK, Laughlin MH Impact of exercise training on endothelial transcriptional profiles in healthy swine: A genome-wide microarray analysis.  Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol  301(2):H555-H564, 2011. PMID: 21622830

Padilla J, Simmons GH, Vianna L C, Davis J W, Laughlin MH and Fadel PJ.  Brachial artery vasodilation during prolonged lower-limb exercise: role of shear rate.  Experimental Physiology 96(10):1019-1027, 2011. PMID: 21784788; PMCID: PMC3289056; NIHMSID: NIHMS357251

McCommis KS, McGee AM, Laughlin MH, Bowles DK, Baines CP.  Hypercholesterolemia increases mitochondrial oxidative stress and enhances the MPT response in the porcine myocardium: beneficial effects of chronic exercise.  Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 301(5):R1250-R1258, 2011. PMID: 21865543 (PubMed in process) 20394928   

Arce-Esquivel AA, KV Kreutzer, JW Rush, JR Turk, and MH Laughlin. Exercise does not attenuate early coronary artery disease progression in a pig model.  Med Sci Sports Exerc. 44(1):27-38, 2012. PMC3286114.

Bowles DK and MH LaughlinMechanism of beneficial effects of physical activity on atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.  J. Applied Physiol. 111(1):308-310, 2011 PMID: 21617083.

Thijssen DH, N Rowley, J Padilla, GH Simmons, MH Laughlin, G Whyte, NT Gable, and DJ Green. Relationship between upper and lower limb conduit artery vasodilator function in humans.  J Appl Physiol, 111(1):244-250, 2011. PMID: 21512151 (PubMed in process)

Whyte JJ, J Zhao, KD Wells, M Samuel, KM Whitworth, EM Walters, MH Laughlin, and RS Prather. Gene targeting with zinc finger nucleases to produce cloned eGFP knockout pigs.  Mol Reprod Dev. 78(1); 2, 2011. PMID 21268178

Laughlin MH, DK Bowles, and DJ Duncker. The coronary circulation in exercise training.  Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 302(1):H10-H23, 2012. PMID: 21984538

Bender SB, Berwick ZC, Laughlin MH, and JD Tune.  Functional contribution of P2Y1 receptors to the control of coronary blood flow.  J. Appl Physiol, 111(6):1744-1750, 2011. PMID 21940850

Roseguini B, AA Arce-Esquivel, and MH LaughlinImpact of a single session of intermittent pneumatic leg compressions on skeletal muscle and isolated artery gene expression in rats.  Am J. Physiol-Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 301(6):R1658-R1668, 2011.  PMID 21957157

Delaney LE, Arce-Esquivel AA, Kuroki K, Laughlin MHExercise training improves vasoreactivity in the knee artery.  Int J Sports Med. 2012 Feb;33(2):114-22.  PMID:22095322; PMC3286357

Roseguini B, AA Arce-Esquivel, and MH Laughlin Impact of a single session of intermittent pneumatic leg compressions on skeletal muscle and isolated artery gene expression in rats.  Am J. Physiol-Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 301(6):R1658-R1668, 2011.  PMID 21957157

Sheldon RD, Roseguini BT, Thyfault JP, Crist BD, Laughlin MH, and SC Newcomer.  Acute impact of intermittent pneumatic leg compression frequency on limb hemodynamics, vascular function, and skeletal muscle gene expression in humans.  J. Appl. Physiol. 112:0-0, 2012.  PMID: 22442025, [PubMed - as   supplied by publisher]

Jenkins, NT, Martin JS, Laughlin MH, and Padilla J.  Exercise-induced Signals for Vascular Endothelial Adaptations: Implications for Cardiovascular Disease.  Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep.  Aug 1;6(4):331-346, 2012.  PMID: 22844545 [PubMed]

Simmons GH, Padilla J, and Laughlin MHHeterogeneity of endothelial cell phenotype within and amongst conduit vessels of the swine vasculature. Exp Physiol. 97(9): 1074-1082, 2012. PMID: 22542613 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Fletcher, JA, Meers GM, Laughlin MH, Ibdah JA, Thyfault JP, and Rector RS.  Modulating fibroblast growth factor 21 in hyperphagic OLETF rats with daily exercise and caloric restriction.  Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 37(6):1054-1062, 2012.  PMID:22891896.

Mikus CR, Rosequini BT, Uptergrove GM, Mossis EM, Rector RS, Libla JL, Oberlin DJ, Boengasser SJ, Taylor AM, Ibdah JA, Laughlin MH, Thyfault JP.  Voluntary wheel running selectively augments insulin-stimulated vasodilation in arterioles from white skeletal muscle of insulin-resistant rats. Microcirculation. 19(8):729-738, 2012.  PMID: 22804760

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Roberts MD, Arce-Esquivel AA, Martin JS, Laughlin MH, Booth FW.  Differential changes in vascular mRNA levels between rat iliac and renal arteries produced by cessation of voluntary running. Exp Physiol. 2013 Jan;98(1):337-47.  PMID:22709650

Roberts MD, Company JM, Brown JD, Toedebusch RG, Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Laughlin MH, Booth FW.  Potential clinical translation of juvenile rodent inactivity models to study the onset of childhood obesity.  Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2012 Aug 1;303(3):R247-58.  PMID: 22696577

Jenkins, NT, Arce-Esquivel AA, Bayless DS, Martin JS, Leidy HJ, Thyfault JP, Booth FW, R.  Rector  S, Laughlin MH, and Padilla J.  Effects of Endurance Exercise Training, Metformin, and their Combination on Adipose Tissue Leptin and IL-10 Secretion in OLETF Rats.  J. Appl Physiol.  2012  Dec;113(12):1873-1883.  PMID 23019312.

Jenkins NT, Padilla J, Boyle L J, Credeur, D P, Laughlin MHDisturbed blood flow acutely induces  activation and apoptosis of the human vascular endothelium.  Hypertension.2012; in press. PMID: 23319545

Martin JS, Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Crissey JM, Bender SB, Rector RS, Thyfault JP, Laughlin MH.   Functional adaptations in the skeletal muscle microvasculature to endurance and interval sprint training in  the type 2 diabetic OLETF rat.  J Appl Physiol. 2012 Oct 15;113(8):1223-32.  PMID:22923508

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Vierira-Potter J, Laughlin MHDivergent Phenotype of Rat Thoracic and  Abdominal Perivascular Adipose Tissues.  Am J Physiol-Reg.2013; in press. PMID:23389108

Linden MA, GM Meers, ML Ruebel, NT Jenkins, FW Booth, MH Laughlin, JA Ibdah, JP Thyfault, and RS  Rector.  Hepatic Steatosis Development with Four Weeks of Physical Inactivity in Previously Active, Hyperphagic  OLETF Rats.  Am J Physiol-Reg.2013; in press. PMID: 23467323

Mikus CR, Boyle LJ, Borengasser SJ, Oberlin DJ, Nables SP, Fletcher J, Meers GM, RUebel M, Laughlin  MH, Fadel JP, Thyfault JP.  Simvastatin impairs exercise training adaptations.  J Am Coll Cardiol.  2013 Aug 20;62(8):709-714..  PMID:23583255

Roberts MD, Bayless DS, Company JM, Jenkins NT, Padilla J, Childs TE, Martin JS, Dalbo VJ, Booth  FW, Rector RS, Laughlin MHElevated skeletal muscle irisin precursor FNDC5 mRNA in obese  OLETF rats.  Metabolish 2013.  PMID: 23498898

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Lee S, Zhang H, Cui J, Zuidema MY, Zhang C, Hill MA, Perfield JW 2nd, Ibdah JA,  Booth FW, Davis JW, Laughlin MH Rector RS.  Vascular transcriptional alterations produced by  juvenile obesity in Ossabaw swine.  Physiol Genomics. 2013; in press.  PMID: 23592636

Arce-Esquivel AA, Bunker AK, Mikus CR, and Laughlin MHInsulin Resistance and Endothelial  Dysfunction: Macro and Microganiopathy.  Type 2 Diabetes. Ed by Kazuko Masuo, ISBN  978-953-51-1171-9, InTech June 26, 2013.

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Laughlin MH, and Fadel PJ.  Blood Pressure regulation VIII: resistance vessel tone  and implications for a pro-atherogenic conduit artery endothelial cell phenotype.  Eur J Appl Physiol  online June 2013.

Bahls M, Sheldon RD, Taheripous P, Clifford KA, Foust KB, Breslin ED, Marchant-Forde JN, Cabot RA,  Laughlin, MH, Bidwell CA, and Newcomer SC.  Mothers’ exercise during pregnancy programs vasomotor  function in adult offspring  Exp Physiol. In press 2013. PMID:

Jenkins NT, Padilla J, Martin JS, Crissey JM, Rector S, Laughlin MHDifferential vasomotor effects of  insulin on gastrocnemius and soleus feed arteries in the OLETF rat model; Role of endothelin-1.  Exp  Physiol. 2013; in press. PMID: 23995100

Crissey JM, Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Martin JS, Rector RS, Thyfault JP, Laughlin MH Metformin does not enhance insulin-stimulated vasodilaiton in skeletal muscle resistance arteries of the OLETF rat.  Microcirculation. 2013; in press. PMID:23879830

Jenkins NT, Padilla J, Rector RS, Laughlin MHInfluence of regular physical activity and caloric  restriction on ß-adrenergic and natriuretic peptide receptor expression in retroperitoneal adipose tissue of  OLETF rats.  Exp Physiol. 2013; in press. PMID:23833052

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Laughlin MH, Fadel PJ.  Blood pressure regulation VIII: resistance vessel tone and  implications for a proatherogenic conduit artery endothelial cell pyhenotype.  Eur J Appl Physiol 2013; in  press. PMID: 23860841

Fain JN, Company JM, Booth FW, Laughlin MH, Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Bahouth SW, Sacks HS.   Exercise training does not increase muscle FNDC5 protein or mRNA expression in pigs.  Metabolism   2013; in press. PMID:23831442

Bahls M, Bidwell CA, Hu J, Tellez A, Kaluza GL, Granada JF, Krueger CG, Reed JD, Laughlin MH,  Van Alstine WG, Newcomer SC.  Gene expression differences during the heterogeneous progression of  peripheral atherosclerosis in familial hypercholesterolemic swine.  BMC Genomics. 2013 Jul 3;14:443.   PMID:23822099; PMCID:PMC 3716534.

Padilla J, Jenkins NT, Lee S, Zhang H, Zuidema MY, Zhang C, Hill MA, Perfield JW 2nd, Ibdah JA, Booth  FW, Davis JW, Laughlin MH, Rector RS.  Vascular transcriptional alterations produced by juvenile obesity in Ossabaw swine. Physiol Genomics 2013; Jun 3;45(11)434-446. PMID: 23592636.

Simmons GH, Padilla J, Jenkins NT, and Laughlin MHExercise training and vascular cell phenotype in a swine model of familial hypercholesterolaemia: conduit arteries and veins. Exp Physiol. In press, 2013. PMID: 22542613 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

Sheldon RD, Roseguini BT, Laughlin MH, and SC Newcomer.  New insights into the physiologic basis for intermittent pneumatic limb compression as a therapeutic strategy for peripheral artery disease.  J. Vasc Surg 58:1688-1696, 2013.  PMID: