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Edward H. Blaine, PhD, DSc (Hon)

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Research Interests

Hypertension, heart failure, and salt and water balance.

Research Description

Neuroendocrine regulation of fluid balance and cardiovascular function, with emphasis on hypertension and heart failure, are Blaine's primary areas of research. Particularly of interest is the action of angiotensin II on the peripheral vasculature and brain cardiovascular centers. Blaine's recent work has demonstrated two distinct actions of angiotensin on blood pressure regulation: acutely, angiotensin has its primary effect directly on vascular smooth muscle, while chronically, the hypertensive effects of angiotensin are mediated through activation of central nervous system pathways. Recently, Blaine has been developing a new program that is centered on fetal programming. This is an exciting new area of research that may provide important insight into understanding metabolic changes and diseases such as hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type II diabetes. Programming occurs when pregnant animals/humans are exposed to environmental effects that induce changes that may be beneficial at the time, but result in adult phenotypes that are harmful. Hypertension is one such outcome that is well documented. The idea that adult onset hypertension may be programmed in utero demands closer investigation. We have developed both in vivo and in vitro experiments to understand the role that programmed changes in nephrogenesis have on adult development of high blood pressure. In vivo experiments will determine if the kidneys of offspring from stressed mothers are salt saving. We will subsequently evaluate the kidneys from these programmed animals using sophisticated immunohistochemical and stereological techniques to determine the degree of nephron loss, the site in the renal cortex of the loss and the relative lengths of the loops of Henle in programmed animals. This work continues the central theme of this laboratory by focusing on the role of the kidney in the adult hypertension that is characteristic of fetal stress.

Professional Background

  • Obtained PhD in physiology from the University of Missouri.
  • Completed postdoctoral work at the Howard Florey Institute for Experimental Physiology and Medicine, University of Melbourne.
  • Awarded Honorary DSc from the University of Missouri - Columbia.
  • Former director of Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center.
  • Elected member of several professional societies including the American Physiological Society, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, The Endocrine Society, The Council for High Blood Pressure Research, and the American Society of Hypertension.
  • Member of the editorial boards of Hypertension and American Journal of Physiology; past senior editor, Monsanto Technical Journal.
  • Received National Institutes of Health (NH) career development award.
  • Served on numerous NH and American Heart Association review panels and site visit teams.

Selected Publications

Hinton, P. Johnstone, G., Blaine, E., and Bodling, A.  Effects of current exercise and diet on late-life cognitive health of former college football players.  The Physician and Sports Medicine, 39(3):11DOI:10:3810/psm.2011.09.1916

Dale, W.E. and E.H. BlaineEffects of enalaprilat on neointimal growth of cultured rabbit aorta following balloon injury. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 77:763-769, 1999

Dale, W.E., P.S. Baptra and E.H. Blaine.  Enhanced neointimal growth in cultured rabbit aorta following in vivo balloon angioplasty.  In Vitro Cell Devel Biol. 34:805-812, 1998

Blaine, E.H.  A short history of the control of renin secretion.  Proc of Symposium: 100 years of the renin-angiotensin system, ed. By M.G. Nicholls, H.R. Brunner,m H. Ikram, C.S. Sweet, and J.F. Walker, Hughes Associates, UK, 1998, pp 7-1

Blaine, E.H.  Discovery and development of renin inhibitors.  Proc of Symposium: 100 years of the renin-angiotensin system,  ed. By M.G. Nicholls, H.R. Brunner,m H. Ikram, C.S. Sweet, and J.F. Walker, Hughes Associates, UK, 1998, pp71-74

Blaine, E.HAngiotension hypertension.  Clin Exptl Physiol Pharm. 25(suppl):S16-S20, 1998

Li, Q., M.J. Sullivan, W.E. Dale, E.M. Hasser, E.H. Blaine, and J.T. Cunningham.  Fos-like immunoreactivity in the medulla following acute and chronic angiotensin II infusion.  J. Pharm. Exptl. Ther. 284:1165-1173, 1998

Li, Q., W.E. Dale, E.M. Hasser, and E.H. BlaineAcute and chronic angiotensin hypertension: Neural and non-neural components , time course and dose-dependency.  Amer. J. Physiol. 271: R200-R207, 1996

Blaine, E.H.  Educational needs and goals for physiological pharmacology.  In Physiology and pharmacology disciplines for the 21st century, ed. M. Printz and H. Nishimura.  The Physiologist 36:192, 1993

Olins, G.M., V.M. Corpus, S.T. Chen, E.G. McMahon, M.A. Palomo, D.E. McGraw, G.J. Smits, C.L. Null, M.A. Brown, S.B. Bittner, J.P. Koepke, D.J. Blehm, J.R. Schuh, C.J. Faierl, R.E. Schmidt, C.S. Cook, D.B. Reitz, M.A. Pennick, R.E. Manning, and E.H. Blaine. Pharmacology of SC-52458, an orally active, nonpeptide AT1 receptor antagonist.  Cardiovasc. Pharm. 22:617-625, 1993.

Schuh, J.R., D.J. Blehm, G.E. Frierdich, E.G. McMahon and E.H. BlaineDifferential effects of renin-angiotensin system blockade in cholesterol-fed rabbits. J. Clin. Invest. 91:1453-1458, 1993

Olins, G.M., G.J. Smits, J.P. Koepke, H.-C. Huang, D.B. Reitz, R.E. Manning and E.H. Blaine. In vivo pharmacology of SC-51316, a nonpeptidic angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Am. J. Hyper. 6:619-625, 1993

Olins, G.M., V.M. Corpus, E.G. McMahon, M.A. Palomo, J.R. Schuh, D.J. Blehm, H.-C. Huang, D.B. Reitz, R.E. Manning and E.H. BlaineIn vitro Pharmacology of a nonpeptidic angiotensin II receptor antagonist, SC-51316. J. Pharm. Expt. Therapeu. 261:1037-1043, 1992.

Blaine, E. H. New peptides: their clinical and therapeutic implications for hypertension. Current Opinion in Cardiology 6:686-692, 1991

Trapani, A.J., G.J. Smits, D.E. McGraw, E.G. McMahon and E.H. Blaine. Hemodynamic basis for the depressor activity of M&B 22,948, a selective cGMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor. J. Pharm. Exptl. Ther. 258:269-274, 1991

Smits, G.J.,  J.P. Koepke and E.H. BlaineReversal of low-dose angiotensin hypertension by angiotensin receptor antagonists.  Hypertension 18:17-21, 1991

Smits, G.J., D.E. McGraw, AJ. Trapani and E.H. Blaine. Effect of endopeptidase 24.11 inhibition in conscious cardiomyopathic hamsters. J. Pharm. Expt. Ther. 254:176-179, 1990

Koepke, J.P., P.R. Bovy, E.G. McMahon, G.M. Olins, D.B. Reitz, KS. Salles, J.R. Schuh, A.J. Trapan and E.H. Blaine. Central and peripheral actions of a nonpeptidic angiotensin II receptor antagonist.  Hypertension 15:841-847, 1990

Bovy, P.R. and E.H. Blaine. Peptidic and non-peptidic angiotensin II competitive antagonists. Current Cardiovascular Patents 1:2044-2056,1989

Spokas, E.G., G. M. Walsh, AJ. Trapani, E.H. Blaine, E.G. Burton, S.E. Papaioannou, R.J. Gorczynski and O.D. Suleymanov. Effects of bemitradine on kidney function: Hormonal interaction J. Pharm. Expt. Ther. (submitted)

Koepke, J.P., L.D. Tyler, P.P. Mehta, G.M. Olins, A.J. Trapani, D.A. Hartupee, P.R, Bovy, KL. Spear and E.H.Blaine. Atriopeptin regulation and renal function in conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats. Am. J. Hypertension 3:622-627,1990

Granger, J.P., E.H. Blaine, D.L. Stacy, and M.J. La Rock. Effects of long-term increases in plasma ANP on angiotensin II induced hypertension. Amer. J. Physiol. 258:H1427-H1431, 1990.

Blaine, E.H. Atrial natriuretic factor plays a significant role in body fluid homeostasis. Hypertension 15:2-8, 1990.

Smits, G.J., J.P. Koepke, and E.H. Blaine. Reversal of low-dose angiotensin hypertension by angiotensin receptor antagonists. Hypertension 18:17-21,1991.

Olins, G.M., G.J. Smits, J.P. Koepke, H.-C. Huang, D.B. Reitz, R.E. Manning and E.H. Blaine. In vivo pharmacology of SC51316, a nonpeptide angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Am. J. Hypertens. 6:619-625, 1993.

Schuh, J.R., D.J. Blehm, G.E. Frierdich, E.G. McMahon, and E.W. Blaine. Differential effects of renin-angiotensin system blockade in cholesterol-fed rabbits. J. Clin. Invest. 91:1453-1458, 1993.

Li, Q., W.E. Dale, E.M. Hasser, and E.H. Blaine. Acute and chronic angiotensin hypertension: Neural and non-neural components, time course and dose- dependency. Am. J. Physiol. 271:R100- R207, 1996.

Li, Q., M.J. Sullivan, W.E. Dale, S.M. Hasser, E.H. Blaine, and J. T. Cunningham. Fos-like immunosensitivity in the medulla following acute and chronic angiotensin and infusion. J. Pharmacol. Expr. Ther., 1997 (in press).

Blaine EH, Cunningham JT, Hasser EM, Dale WE, Li Q, Sullivan M, Angiotensin hypertension., Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol Suppl. 1998 Nov;25:S16-20,


Dale WE, Batra PS, Blaine EH., Enhanced neointimal growth in cultured rabbit aorta following in vivo balloon angioplasty., In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 1998 Nov-Dec;34(10):805-12., PMID: 9870530

Dale WE, Blaine EH.,  Effects of enalaprilat on neointimal growth of cultured rabbit aorta following balloon injury., Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1999 Oct;77(10):763-9., PMID: 10588480

Hasser EM, Cunningham JT, Sullivan MJ, Curtis KS, Blaine EH, Hay M., Area postrema and sympathetic nervous system effects of vasopressin and angiotensin II., Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2000 May-Jun;27(5-6):432-6. Review., PMID: 10831249