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7th Franklin Endowed Lecture

Wednesday September 20th, 2017
Acuff Auditorium, 12:00pm

Located in the Medical Science Building « click for map

Franklin Endowed Lecturer

Dr. David I. AttwellDavid I. Attwell, Ph.D.

Fellow of the Royal Society UK and Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences UK, Dr. Attwell is an internationally recognized neuroscientist trained in physics and physiology and is currently a Professor at the Department of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology at the University College London focusing on Neuron-glial interactions and brain energy supply.

» Lab Website «

Dr. Attwell will discuss "Control of cerebral and cardiac blood flow at the capillary level by pericytes in health and disease".


Event Contact

Laura McClaskey, Executive Assistant at Dalton Cadiovascular Research Center