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Requesting access to Dalton Resources

For individuals wanting one or more of the following:

  • Unattended access to the Dalton building or lab
  • Visiting Dalton longer than a week
  • Utilize a Dalton resource secured by key or ID Card
  • Utilize a Dalton resource that requires authentication:

    • Computer logon
    • Calendar reservation
    • File, print, application or web access
    • Email list membership
... filling out the DCRC Building Personnel Form is required.

If a user requesting such access is not a registered MU Facutly, Staff or Student, they must obtain an MU Courtesy Appointment approved by the Dalton Director. Please see HR Office staff for more information.

A user MUST have an EmplID assigned by MU HR before a logon account can be obtained. Depending on how the user is titled or registered, DCRC IT may have to manually request account creation after an EmplID has been issued as opposed to being automatically generated.

For key and/or ID Card access, filling out the separate DCRC Building Access Form is required! However, before they can be issued, the user MUST be fully posted to MU HR Reporting system, which can take up-to 2 business days to synchronize after confirmation of HR Production system posting.

When requesting access to lab space assigned to another PI (i.e. not your current PI/Supervisor) you must get approval from both!

For any future changes to key or ID Card access for an existing registered user, filling a new DCRC Building Access form is required! Multiple changes per form is fine, but each set of changes requires a new form.

Although all forms require a signature of the sponsoring PI/Supervisor, resource manager and, in some cases, the Dalton Director, an Email from each signatory is an acceptable alternative. Emails approving new/changes to key or ID Card access must explicitly detail what changes are being approved.

All users must physically visit Dalton IT to finalize setup within the system, obtain keys or ID card access. Although someone is usually available in the office, setting up an appointment time is preferred.

Shared resources like microscopes, core equipment, etc. may require additional approval by the appointed manager in addition to a PI/Supervisor and require training. Please seek equipment manager approval prior to requesting acces from IT. Associated managers can be found on the main Calendars page (only currently personnel can access... requires logon).